Aluminum foil has healing properties and is often used by the Chinese and Russian healers. Practice has shown that aluminum foil can be used outside the kitchen, but with some caution. If you have problems with pain in the hands, wrap your fingers, and if necessary wrap the whole hand.
The same is true for pain in the neck, back, shoulders, knees and heels, simply wrap the painful area with aluminum foil, and the pain will soon disappear.
Energy stream passing through the biologically active points in the body is thus reflected and returns from where it came. This positive effect on affected organs that have to do with the same cause. This allows you to get rid of the health problems and to relieve the pain.
This interesting method of healing has long been used by the Chinese and Russian healers, and it is explained in detail in the books of Wilhelm Reich, a psychotherapist who was a disciple of Freud.
How can aluminum foil heal you?
Take a piece of aluminum foil, put on the pain place and secure with a bandage. Aluminium foil is excellent for the treatment of pain in the neck, back, arms, legs, joints, etc. It can also be used for treating gout and operative scars.
You just have to put a piece of foil on a scar or to wrap the thumb and wrap a bandage if you treat gout. Chinese healers believe that treatment should last at least 10-12 hours. Place a piece of aluminum foil on the painful area and leave it overnight. Take a break of 1-2 weeks and repeat the treatment if necessary.
Aluminium foil has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and aluminum foil can help to relieve colds.
Wrap your feet in 5-7 layers of foil and place the piece of paper or gauze in between each layer. Keep this compress for about an hour. Then remove and repeat the procedure in two hours. Then again hold an hour and then take a break. You should repeat the treatment three times. The entire procedure lasts a week.
However, many people still debating how this treatment works.
Some are calling for science, while others explain treatment with bioenergy.
Russian scientist AV Skvortsov explains:
“Healers often use tools to create a special energy, such as products of the aluminum foil. The human body has a special stem cells that are intertwined with the field of the Earth. For some reason, this field is deformed, which affects the flow of energy that comes to stem cells.
Area foil reflects the field of the Earth as a big magnifying glass, and becomes much higher and to re-establish contact between cells and fields. Moreover, glossy foil surface prevents penetration of external harmful radiation in the human body. “