According to the findings of a recent clinical study, daily consumption of a tablespoon of coconut oil will accelerate the weight loss process and boost heart health.
These findings provide great hope for diabetics, overweight people, as well as those with cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, these health conditions can’t be treated by any conventional medicine in the pharmaceutical industry.
This study focused primarily on evaluating the impacts of a extra virgin coconut oil-based treatment, especially on the relation between the consumption of the oil and the HDL cholesterol levels, among other anthropometric evaluations.
The study involved individuals aged 55-69 years, 64% of them being men. All the participants had high blood pressure, whereas only 5% lacked blood lipid profiles, which signified the presence of dyslipidemia. They used a treatment that encompassed drugs that minimize cholesterol levels.
In the first 3 months of the study, 136 participants were subjected to one standard diet. Only 116 participants managed to pass this first phase, after which they were divided into 2 groups.
The first group of 22 participants continued with the standard diet, while the other 94 were subjected to a somewhat modified diet that included a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil every day.
After another 3 months, the study findings showed that the group that took coconut oil had experienced a drop in all the six parameters that were examined in the study:
- Weight – 0.6 kilos
- Waist Circumference – about 2.1 cm
- Neck Perimeter – about 4 cm
- BMS or Body-Mass index – 0.2 per square meter
- Diastolic Blood Pressure – 3.5 points
- Systolic Blood Pressure – 3.3 points
In addition, their HDL cholesterol levels had increased.
Hence, the study scientists concluded that the non-pharmacological interventions are integral in the management and regulation of risk factors in secondary prevention among individuals struggling with coronary diseases.
Moreover, they found that a diet packed with extra virgin coconut oil leads to a gradual rise of the HDL cholesterol concentrations, in addition to a waist circumference reduction.
As such, these study findings are critical and reveal essential properties of this oil. Actually, most popular pharmaceutical drugs used to elevate HDL cholesterol levels aren’t scientifically based, and they’ve been found to be not so effective, and even pose danger to your health.
For example, patients with awfully low HDL-C levels who use statins don’t experience significant positive effects. Furthermore, pharmaceutical medicines for controlling HDL cholesterol can cause myriad severe side-effects. Hence, the use of this all-natural and safe oil can be greatly beneficial.
Additionally, one of the key factors for cardiovascular complications, as well as cardiac mortality, is abdominal obesity or midsection fat. Therefore, to avert heart diseases and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems, you’re advised to eat a diet that can naturally raise the HDL-C cholesterol levels, and support stabilization of the waist circumference, as well as Body Mass Index.
Another scientific study confirmed the positive effects of coconut oil in the case of Alzheimer’s. After consuming a dose of medium chain triglycerides obtained from this beneficial oil, patients experienced enhanced cognitive functions within just a few hours.
Therefore, you should consider doing more research on your own to find out the wonderful benefits of using coconut oil, plus other effective methods to minimize abdominal fat and maximize HDL cholesterol.