According to the British Daily Mail, additive triclosan is found in many products such as soap, toothpaste or shampoo. Despite the wide availability and usage, experts have found potentially serious consequences of long-term exposure to this substance.
Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical in wide public use, has been linked to a host of serious health risks. But regulators just can’t or won’t pull it from the shelves. Triclosan was first introduced in the United States in 1969 by a company that is now part of Novartis. For a long time, it was mainly used in hospitals. When its use crept out of industry and into homes, critics quickly began to raise health concerns about the chemical.
Recent research on Triclosan effect
Research has in fact proved that triclosan in laboratory mice testing has caused liver fibrosis and cancer. Liver fibrosis is a condition that over time can ‘evolve’ to cirrhosis.
Experts point out that their findings is also relevant to humans, due to the process that have been studied throughout the study.
Triclosan is otherwise under special care in the United States because it was published that can disrupt hormones and impair muscle contraction.
Experts are concerned, considering in what measure is triclosan used, and some studies in the US found his tracks in 97 percent of breast milk in women who breastfeed, and in 75 percent of the tested urine.
After more than 40 years of research in the United States there is no evidence that triclosan, the active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps, gels and hand wipes, provides any health benefits. Especially not anything more than ordinary soap and warm water. One of the main problems is that antibacterial soaps are focused on bacteries, whereas most of the diseases, such as influenza and colds are caused by viruses.