Believe It or Not, Your Poop Can Tell If You Are Healthy or Not!

Pooping is one of the most basic human functions. However, did you know that your poop can actually tell you a lot about your health? The poop is an indicator of how well the body’s systems are working to absorb nutrients, eliminate waste, and keep everything functioning. Hence, the next time you go to the toilet, take a look. There are three main things to look for:

  • Frequency
  • Form
  • Color


Having one bowel movement a day is considered the best. Some people have faster metabolisms and as a result, they have bowel movements 2-3 times a day. However, if you have bowel movements more than 3 times a day, you are probably having diarrhea. On the other hand, having rare bowel movements can be detrimental as this is a way of eliminating toxins and acids.


This is another important aspect, which tells a lot about your health. There are seven forms of poop.

Type 1: Separate Hard Lumps, Like Little Balls

If your poop looks like this, it may indicate acute inflammation of the small intestine. Moreover, it is common with people who have been taking antibiotics and may cause anal bleeding.

Type 2: Sausage-Shaped, but Lumpy

This is another stool which is very difficult to pass and may cause anal bleeding. It is common for people who suffer from IBS.

Type 3: Like a Sausage but With Cracks on its Surface

This type of poop is quite common to the previous one and it is processed faster.

Type 4: Like a Sausage or Snake, Smooth and Soft

This is the normal type of poop and it’s common among people who defecate once a day.

Type 5: Soft Blobs with Clear Cut Edges

This poop is likely for people who defecate more than once per day after major meals.

Type 6: Fluffy Pieces with Ragged Edges, a Mushy Stool

This type of stool may indicate high blood pressure and stress.

Type 7: Watery, no Solid Pieces. Entirely Liquid

This is a similar type of stool to diarrhea, which happens in conjunction with constipation. It denotes some disease or condition.


It probably sounds weird, but the color is a great indicator, too. The best color is a nice medium- to dark-brown. However, if your stool is black, it may indicate blood in your upper GI tract. On the other hand, yellow poop or green poop could be from fat malabsorption or liver or gallbladder stress.

Additional Tips

  • The poop should float because it indicates enough fiber in the diet.
  • If your stool is too loose, consume more bananas, rice, apples, and tea. These foods firm up stool for better bowel movements.
  • In case your stool is too hard, you should do certain tests, especially a full thyroid panel. You can also increase the intake of magnesium-rich foods.
  • To improve your stool add in some good probiotics, soaked chia seeds or other nuts and seeds in your diet.
  • For better bowel movements, try yoga and abdominal massage.
  • Lee Dutra

    Oh crap! Can’t think of anything to say!

  • Mike McCormick

    what about the corn???? …… nobody mentioned the corn

  • Daryl Dixon

    Thank you. Often this kind of Info is considered as taboo, but thanks for sharing the info. Useful for lot of patients out there.