Scientific studies have started to study the relations between birth month and certain diseases. For ex: The study that was conducted by Cambridge University has found that summer babies were born heavier and tended to be taller as adults. The theory for this case is the increased exposure to sunlight.
The University of Columbia has found 55 conditions (most of them heart related) related to birth month. Dr. Nicholas Tatonetti discovered the relations between the conditions and birth month related to the following system.
The study has shown that the highest risk of diseases have babies born in October, where babies in May have the lowest risk. July babies had the most risk of asthma and those born in March were at the biggest risk of developing heart diseases. Neurological issues were common for those born in winter.
Trouble conceiving a child is common for those born in the warmest moths. However, this research is still in progress and more detailed research will be available in the next few months.
You can see some extraordinary findings and more precise predictions for disease risk in the video below.