If the buzz in your the ears and head known is only occasional and fleeting appearance of which is the appearance of a sudden sonorous noise in ear, which lasts no longer than a few seconds and is repeated often, then in your case does not happen anything unusual or worthy of concern.
It is a a normal phenomenon that occurs in all people and that may be due to factors such as changes in air pressure, the presence of excess of wax in the ears and like. However, if this phenomenon manifests itself often and if the characterized in long intervals, then there is possibility that in your case is tinnitus.
On what is tinnitus, how it manifests itself, why it occurs and how it can be treated, you will find out in he content of the text that is before you.
What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a professional or a medical term for buzz in the ears and head that occurs as a form of health complications, which is not due the impact of external factors, but as a possible (but not certain) due to the certain health changes in the body or as a phenomenon for which there is no clearly defined and medically explainable cause. In other words, tinnitus can represent one of the symptoms of medical complications that are present in the body, but it can occur without any apparent reason.
However, when it occurs, should not be ignored, and efforts should be made to finding the right reasons of its creation. The reasons that can cause tinnitus, can be completely harmless and insignificant, but very complicated. That’s exactly why they need to be established.
How is tinnitus manifesting?
Tinnitus is manifested in several symptoms that are continuations of each other which is often recognized as one associated symptom. In particular, it is the following symptoms:
– The occurrence of sudden and shrill ringing in the ears and head which is often described such as noise or “whistling” (in some cases as a meowing, rustling leaves or the murmur of water)
– The emergence of the current erosion of hearing,
– “Changes” of the color tones and noises you hear.
In addition to these symptoms through which almost 100% manifest tinnitus in head, there are symptoms that occur as an associate, and as they that can monitor the main symptoms. These are sensitivity to sounds coming from external environment, increased irritability, loss of concentration and disorder sleep.
Depending on the incidence, duration and repetition of these symptoms, tinnitus can be described as immediate, as well as acute and as a chronic tinnitus. Whether your case is a current, acute or a chronic tinnitus, It is best to find any medical that will do ENT specialists. Basically, these three forms of manifestation of tinnitus, as we have noted vary the frequency of occurrence and duration.
The current form of this problem occurs mainly as a result of transient and current health changes or as a result of body condition (many hours exposure to full volume music, irritation of hearing, etc.).
The acute form occurs more frequently and last longer (even after spending the night), and a chronic form of tinnitus becomes so pronounced that accompanied by a constant or nearly constant. Chronic form of tinnitus mostly undermines the quality of life of people in which it occurs.
Cause for tinnitus, or health problems that could affect its occurrence?
These are health problems that may affect the occurrence of tinnitus:
– The presence of dental disease,
– The presence of the disease of the jaw joint,
– The presence of renal disease,
– The presence of the disease in the cervical spine,
– The presence of cardiovascular disorders,
– Metabolism,
– The process of ossification sound of brakes,
– The presence of frequent and intense headaches,
– The presence of a tumor of the auditory nerve,
– The presence of chronic inflammation of the middle ear,
– The presence of senile hearing loss,
Also, the occurrence of tinnitus can lead to conditions such as the condition after exposure to general anesthesia, state after heavy consumption of alcohol, state after a long stay in a closed and smoky (intensively smoky) space and the like.
The treatment of tinnitus:
The first step to be taken in treatment of tinnitus is to go on a specialist (Otolaryngologist). The specialist, based on symptoms of your condition and after the examination, will identify and establish the form of tinnitus and how best to approach his treatment. If the presence of tinnitus is caused by one of the above health condition, then the exact health condition is key for proper treatment.
If not the case, but about the presence of tinnitus without clear defined cause, then you should join one of the following methods of treatment:
– Increased intake of magnesium:
Increased intake of magnesium, can help to get rid of ringing in the ears and head. So, if you have this problem, as much as possible eat spinach, green vegetables, pumpkin seeds and other foods that contain magnesium or use of magnesium in form of supplements.
– Use coating towel of wheat bran, red wine and rose petals:
Preparation and use of coating should be done in the following way:
Take three deciliter of red wine, three tablespoons of wheat bran and one tablespoon fresh or dried rose petals (it is important that the petals are of red roses). Mix all these ingredients and put them on the stove to boil. When the ingredients boils, move them from the heat, allow to cool enough to become moderate and tolerably warm, and then strain. Sediment that you remain after draining, wrap in cheesecloth or cotton cloth and lean it as a coating on the ear. Covering hold until cool. Repeat this procedure once or twice a day.
– Use almond oil:
Tilt your head to the side and in the inner ear drip two drops of almond oil. Wait for five to ten seconds, and then correct the head. Repeat procedure once a day until the symptoms disappear.
NOTE: Do not do this if you have a punctured eardrum.