Fight For Life: The Plant That Saved My Life From The Deadly Cancer

This is a real life story of one man from Bulgaria, he tells of his path in life and fighting the plague of the 21 century – cancer. Giving hope to thousands, and why is that so, read the following story and you will find out!

Before 13 years in 2002 the doctors discovered a benign brain tumor, I was immediately admitted to the BLD – Sofia for an operation. The tumor was 5,5 inches big, but the operation went successfully. For I can tell, the neurosurgeons in this hospital in Bulgaria are the best. Then a decade later it showed that the tumor was recurrent (metastatic) and is almost the same size. I had to make a new operation – then they operated with laser technique and the surgery was done, but it turned out that I got paralysis on the left hand and leg. They examined the tumor and it showed to be atypical.

After this I went to the oncology department and radiotherapy followed, but it did not help – the tumor reoccurred again and imposed a new operation. After that I went to rehab and there, for my luck, I met a man that changed my life. He shared his story with me that he was suffering from kidney cancer. After the surgery showed unsuccessful the told him he would live 3-4 months.

Struggling for life he have met woman who told him about a plant and a method of preparation of the drug of the same plant. The herb is called elderberry – specifically, a bush that grows in the desserts and the around the river channels, so you harvest the fruit – it resembles of blueberry and is almost the same size.

This fruit grows in late August – early September. The fruit should be well mature to have medicinal properties. Once harvested, washed and placed in jars, alternating one line of elderberries, one line of sugar until you fill to the top. Store in a place where there is sunlight so it can ferment. After two weeks, close it and put it in the fridge. You can make 2, 3, or 4 jars but at least two are needed to reach to next year. Take one teaspoon of the mixture every morning on an empty stomach, 10 minutes before the meals.

Person who told me first convinced me that of the effect. He started to take it after the bad diagnose – 5 months have passed and he is still alive!

He went to the review – and the results showed that there was nothing left from the cancer. Then I started to take it, of course, I waited 2 months to harvest the elderberry and prepared it. I began to consume it. 4 months have passed since the last operation and there is no relapse (returning of the cancer).

I have told many people of the healing power of the elderberry, and while discussing with a doctor, she told me that her patient was healed in the same way – she had breast cancer. When she asked her patient what medicine she took, the patient told her the cured herself only with the help of the plant. On the check up test for her illness, it was indicated that the cancer had disappeared.

Amazing fruit elderberry can be taken with medicines prescribed, so take it with peace and with no worries – it is beneficial for the immune system and many diseases. The elderberry, as is already mentioned, is to harvested ripe, and if there are some green and some that you suspect are immature fruits, remove them. The fruit should be soft and dark, almost black. As for drinking, especially at the beginning, is a little difficult until you get used to it. I was feeling sick when I first took it, I felt like I would vomit, but eventually I got used to it. Also, you need to be near the toilet, because after half an hour after using it, you might get the need to go to the toilet more frequently.

Therefore, the elderberry is taken by healthy people also, who only want to strengthen the immune system. It helps against flu. I wish happiness and health to all, most of all to the sick people” said the brave man at the end of his story.

Surely we can conclude from this story that sometimes the herb that doesn’t cost a thing is right next to us, we just need someone to open our eyes.
