Make Your Own Cinnamon Oil and Use its Health Benefits

Cinnamon oil is an essential oil that has very good antiseptic, antibiotic, analgesic and aphrodisiac properties. This essential oil has blood purifying agents and it also helps in both preventing and curing acne. The oil aids blood circulation and actively halts blood clotting.

Cinnamon is so effect that it also decreases blood pressure, improves the body’s metabolism and also combats the risk of stroke as well as heart attacks. It also supports the body’s balance in its blood sugar level.

The benefits of this essential oil are enormous and it is known to cure urinary tract infections as it destroys the bacteria present in the bile duct. Its antibacterial properties are also effective for the treatment of various bacteria and fungi infections such as candida infection.

At the Wheeling Jesuit University studies have revealed that brain activity can be strengthened by cinnamon and cinnamon oil. They also help to prevent memory loss as well as provide relief for anxiety and tension. At the American Human Nutrition Research Center scientists have discovered that cinnamon is a potent essential oil good for the rejuvenation of organs in the body and in fighting diabetes.

Cinnamon oil also prevents colon cancer and researchers say it helps to cleanse the colon and aids digestion; it also relieves the effect of bloating. In the orients cinnamon has been used to treat numerous infections and a teaspoon of homemade cinnamon oil when gargled can help to combat oral cavity infection, canker sores and other tooth problems.

In the treatment of arthritis cinnamon oil is effective, all you need to do is apply a small amount to the affected area and see the results – this is because of its excellent anti-inflammatory properties that cinnamon possesses.

For treating flu, sore throat and common cold cinnamon oil is effective it is also used as a diuretic and aids the removal of toxic matter and excrement from the body without much hassle.

It seems the use of cinnamon cannot be exhausted but now onto how you can make this essential oil at home. There is two types of cinnamon oil, one is produced from its leaves and bark while the other involves a simple extraction process.

We would focus on the second type of process because of its simplicity.


  • Cinnamon sticks or cinnamon powder – ratio 1:5
  • Pure virgin olive oil


  • Get a jar and put the cinnamon sticks (make sure you use enough to fill the jar completely)
  • If you are using cinnamon powder use ratio 1:5, for ½ litter of oil use 100 grams (however sticks are preferable)
  • Then pour the olive oil and ensure the sticks are covered entirely by the oil
  • Cover the jar and shake it
  • Leave the jar at room temperature for 3 weeks
  • Make sure you shake the contents of the jar every day
  • After 3 weeks open the jar and strain the oil, you can use cheese cloths for the straining
  • Then transfer the oil into a glass bottle

So now your cinnamon oil is ready for use, it has a great smell and the olive oil and cinnamon combination is great for your health. You can use the oil in your salads and for cooking stew or soup.
