If you have shiny and long hair, then you have great hair. Everyone wants to have shiny hair. But, if you didn’t have shiny hair and want to get it, here are the best recipe for you. You can imagine how wonderful and amazing red onion can help you to remove hair loss, stimulate hair to grow and stop graying of hair faster.
Hair growth is a gene but some external and internal factor can affect this process. Homemade remedies can do this miracle for your shiny hair and passed through hand by further generation.
Red onion juice is incredible recipe for hair and many famous celebrities apply this ingredient when they come to increase hair quality.
Some study and research showed that red onion can prevent hair loss up to eighty seven percent and hair will become more attractive within one month and more.
A dermatologist was confirmed that it will not cause any negative effect.
Red onion is loaded with sulfur and important ingredient for collagen production. It is important to know that collagen is essential material for hair growth. Red onion juice can increase blood circulation on the scalp and reduce/remove skin inflammation.
Thanks to anti bacteria property. It can make hair look stronger and open follicle and also can prevent from any serious infection. People will feel amazing with the result of this red onion juice just one month.
Red onion juice recipe:
- Diced and clean two or four onion
- Squeeze them out the juice
- Blend all onion together and it is best solution
- Stir red onion juice in one tbsp of honey
- Rub red onion juice on the scalp
- Leave it for fifteen up to thirty minutes
- For optimal result, you could keep this juice for one hour
- Rinse hair naturally
- Repeat or apply this treatment two or three times in a month.