Arthritis is a disease of the connective tissue that usually develops with age, but more and more young people, due to stressful life, suffers from the problem of painful joints.
Feeling swollen fingers and hands in the morning, stiffness or “skipping” in knee and shoulder joint are the first signs that you are a candidate for this disease, and this is how you can minimize this situation and stay healthy naturally.
The oil of chamomile
Chamomile is already known as a miraculous herb that can help with many health problems, but did you know that you can also serve as an ingredient in massage oils that will eliminate pain in the joints?
Fill 1l bowl of chamomile flowers and pour 1l with a vegetable oil (eg, olive). Leave it for two weeks in a cool, dark place, then strain into a glass bottle. Oil can be used for a long time because there is no therapy limit.
Given that reduces rheumatism this spice you should definitely have in your kitchen if you suffer from arthritis. Pour a teaspoon of turmeric powder and some honey in a glass of warm milk and drink this drink every day.
However, before taking this medicinal spices you might prefer to consult your doctor because turmeric can affect the action of certain drugs.
Regardless of whether you make of it a tea or grated placed like a bondage, ginger will provide relief to your joints and muscles. Moreover, ibuprofen contain ginger to make no doubt of its influence.
Not only ginger will you help with arthritis, but will ease the problems with gastritis, bad breath, allergies and bloating.
Its enzymes this sweet-sour fruit reduces pain, and his intense dark red color comes from an antioxidant known for its medicinal properties.
Only 10 to 20 cherries a day or drinking juice from the cherries will make you wake up in the morning without pain in the joints. If you are a lover of sweets, then mix nice and helpful and make cake of cherries and eat it for lunch instead of painkillers.
Red wine
If you have problems with your knees, wine is the solution. Namely, it is scientifically proven that people who drink four to six glasses of red wine a week had 45 percent less chance of developing osteoarthritis of the knee.
Of course, the secret of healing of red wine is not alcohol, but in grapes. This means that this drink should be consumed in moderation – it is best to drink a glass a day and best for dinner to feel its positive effect,