The newest drug on the market is called “strawberry meth” and looks like a jelly candy or gummy bears, and has the same smell as strawberries, so parents should be extra cautious and warn their children.
The crystal meth has a sweet strawberry flavor, but it can lead to death. Apparently, it is a subspecies of methamphetamine, which can be commonly found in the United States in recent years.
It is also called “ice” as it is in the form of a dust, or small crystals which can be taken intravenously, using a syringe, by smoking, orally, or through the nose.
Moreover, thus drug can also be with chocolate flavor and many others, so you need to inform your children about it and it deadly consequences, as it can quickly lead them to death.
The interest for this synthetic drug is rapidly growing in the USA and Europe. Numerous drug addicts use it every year, and the authorities report that they cannot stop its spreading, especially among youngsters.
The long use of this drug causes severe psychological issues, as well as physical, and the addict can have blisters and gruesome eczema on the body. Many of these addicts are eventually diagnosed HIV.
As soon as it is taken, it activates some brain cells and thus leads to extreme physical and psychological extremely addiction. Due to this, and its influence on the central nervous system and the brain, it is even more harmful that heroin and cocaine.
It can be in the form of a pill, powder or injection, and a gram of it created in home laboratories, costs 80 $.