What to Eat at Work

The time you spend at work, almost always includes your separation from home, as well as not having complete freedom of movement due to obligations, and therefore not many available food choices for your meal.

Therefore, the meal that you consume at work, you should think in time and to provide when you can. If you don’t, you easily can happen to stay hungry or reaching for the only possible solution, and often incorrect, and it is buying fast food or eating snacks that will only deceive the hunger and provide a short-term feeling of satiety, but will not provide anywhere near the quality meal for your organism.

How would we have helped to solve the dilemma of what to eat at work and to we help you make the right food choices, we have prepared for you several proposals.


What to eat at work?

Since the stay on the job is also generally linked to increased mental or physical activity, it means that your work flow need adequate energy source. In addition, to help your body function properly, you need an adequate intake of minerals, proteins and vitamins. It is best to choose foods that contain a set of all the listed ingredients.

Some of the ideal foods that you can eat on the job are:

– Chocolate milk and bananas. Compound of these two ingredients, gives you quite enough as a source of minerals, and proteins and vitamins. In addition, the banana is full of plant fibers which decompose in the body in slow and thus provide long-lasting feeling of satiety.

– Wheat bread, yogurt and fruit of your choice (recommendation is apple or tangerine). Compound of these foods provide you with enough energy, as well as minerals and vitamins that get you fed and rested and able to get through the end of business hours.

– Risotto with steamed vegetables. This meal, you need to prepare at home and take with you to work. Given that such a meal very tasty and when consumed cold, it will not spoil even the little pleasure in eating. In doing so, your body will secure a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals and you will feel the maximum is concentrated and productive while working.

If  happens to you with the recommended meals though after a while again feel hunger or lack of energy at work, make sure you always have some chocolate bars or dried fruit at hand. Both of these foods quickly raise sugar in the body, providing the influx of energy and prolong the feeling of satiety.