The human body is a host to hundreds of parasitic worms’ species. Parasites have been handed over from our ancestor and also from domesticated animals. However, it is really difficult to diagnose a parasitic infection. Actually, there are a lot of people who have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and who were actually suffering from parasites.
There are about ninety species of parasites. The most usual are hookworms, roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms. A tapeworm known as the fish tapeworm is the biggest tapeworm which can survive inside a human body. Its length can reach up to thirty-three feet. Pinworms usually occur in children and they are easily spread. This type of worms lay their eggs in the anus and infect the bed sheets. It they are not treated, these worms can spread to the fallopian tubes and the uterus.
Whipworms infuse the human colon tissue with fluid. The fluid makes the tissue liquid so that it can be eaten by the whipworms. People who have hookworms usually experience blood loss or anemia. Furthermore, more than two 200,000 people are affected by blood flukes, which make a hole through the skin and swim through the veins.
There are a number of ways to contact a parasite and some are mentioned above. Eating meat which is undercooked can also welcome worms in the body. Furthermore, eating contaminated vegetables and fruits can increase the risk. Parasites can be transferred from pets that are not dewormed regularly as well. Additionally, swimming or drinking water from underdeveloped countries can cause a parasitic infection.
Some of the symptoms of parasitic infection are:
- Stomach pain
- Gas or bloating
- Exhaustion
- Sudden weight loss
- Grinding the teeth while sleeping
- Difficulty falling and staying asleep
- Auditory or/and visual hallucinations
- Sudden skin rashes
- Passing a worm in the stool
- Depression and/or anxiety
It is very difficult to diagnose a parasitic infection. Parasites are able to travel all around the body and to remain undetected. Furthermore, a number of doctors cannot tell if you have a parasitic infection and you will need to see an infectious disease specialist. Doctors should perform some tests on stool samples, but they can still be inconclusive. In some cases, it is necessary to make an x-ray test. Only about 20 % of cases which involve parasites are diagnosed with the help of medical procedures.
Physicians who work in homeopathic clinics take a holistic approach to infections and they prescribe some natural medication which will boost the immune system. There are also various test which can be performed at the comfort of your home.
You can eliminate parasites from your body by staying away from sugar and refined foods. Consuming the foods below can help you eliminate a number of worm types.
- Pomegranates
- Raw garlic
- Beets
- Pumpkin seeds
- Anise
- Black walnuts
- Oregano
It was concluded in a certain homeopathic study that a mix of honey and papaya seeds killed parasites in twenty-three people out of thirty. Your digestive tract will be inhospitable to worms if you take digestive enzymes and probiotics.