Nowadays instead of going at the doctor’s office and waiting for the results and the diagnosis we can turn to Ayurvedic medicine that developed a holistic approach to body and health since ancient times.
According to this medicine our body is a complex system that has different ways to warn us that something is not good with us. Different types of diseases, especially severe diseases happen when we are not paying enough attention to all previous warnings. Every human can recognize some natural things. We can notice the smell of urine, sweat, and on that way we can know that our body is full of toxins.
So, we are presenting you a natural and alternative way of diagnosis and treatment that doesn’t need much knowledge to start with the application. Su Jok (Korean: fist, foot) acupressure is one of the most efficient alternative methods when it comes to improving health.
Similar to the Ayuervedic medicine and traditional Chinese, this method is based on learning about the meridians of the energy that are connected with our bodies.