Even the smallest of damage to your teeth can be a sign of an organ problem. According to experts, your bottom and upper incisors (first and second) maintain the normal condition of your kidney and bladder.
The canines maintain the normal condition of liver and bile. The premolars (4 and 5) can indicate the condition of your lung and colon, the molars (6 and 7) the state of the gall bladder, spleen and pancreas, and the wisdom teeth the state of your heart and small bowel.
But don’t get us a wrong, not every decease is announced by damage to your teeth. Sometimes, there are also patients who feel pain in places where a tooth was removed. This is called a phantom pain and is normally the result of a signal a sick organ sends to your teeth.
That’s why it’s important to know about the connection, because it can help you discover which one of your organs is sick. The connection between your internal organ and teeth is strong and it often leads to physical manifestations like headaches, for example.
If your roots are inflamed, you will fill a pain in your parietal area. On the other hand, lesions to your upper incisors will cause pain in the frontal area and canine teeth.
What’s good to remember is that the pain in your first and second incisors is an sign that you might have chronic pyelonephritis (infection of the upper urinary tract), cystitis (a bacterial infection of the bladder) or otitis media (ear infection).
The first incisor can be an indication of tonsillitis, osteochondrosis (joint disease), while in the case of cholecystitis (acute inflammation of the gallbladder wall) or hepatitis, you will feel a constant dull ache in this area.
An ache in your fourth and fifth molar, can be the result of colitis, chronic pneumonia, or some form of allergic reaction (asthma, rhinosinusitis).
If you feel pain in both your lower and upper fourth molars, you probably have some problems with your knee joints, shoulders, or you might suffer from some arthritis-related inflammation or even bowel disease.
An ache in your upper sixes and sevens is normally a sign of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, anemia, or ulcers duodenum.
An ache in the upper sixes only, on the other hand, is normally a result of sinusitis tonsillitis, tumors of the thyroid gland, or even ovary or spleen inflammation.
if you feel pain in the lower molars, you most probably have problems with your arteries or you suffer from arteriosclerosis.
Most experts also agree that pains in your lower seven are a sign of vein and lung problems (bronchitis, asthma, inflammation), or even a sign of the presence of polyps in your bowels.
And the last thing to keep in mind is that problems with the molars are usually related to heart diseases and congenital defects, while caries in this area is a sign of ulcers in stomach and problems with the endocrine system.