The ear consists of three parts, the inner, middle, and outer one, and each of them has its own function which supports hearing.
All people, but especially children, sometimes suffer from an ear infection, which is caused by viruses or bacteria, in most cases in the middle ear. Yet, all ear parts may become infected, and the most severe is the ear infection of the inner ear.
The most common symptoms of an earache are the following: pain in the ear, headache, high fever, and vomiting, poor response to sounds, diarrhea, fluid draining, or difficulty sleeping.
These infections should be treated immediately, as if the situation gets more complicated, it can cause damage or rupture of the eardrum, which leads to chronic recurrence and even deafness.
It is best to consult your doctor, but for an immediate relief, you can try some really effective natural remedies, which will relieve the pain and treat the infection.
We suggest the top 10 natural remedies in the case of an ear infection:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is the best solution if the ear infection is caused by fungus.
You should mix it with water or alcohol in equal amounts, and soak a cotton ball in the mixture. Then, place it in the ear like a plug. Leave it thus for 5 minutes, and remove it. Then, lay down on the opposite side to drain the solution from the ear, and dry the ear with a hair dryer.
Breast Milk
Breast milk contains antibodies which accelerate the healing process of any kind of ear infection, therefore, it is another effective solution to treat this kind of pain, and it will also reduce the swelling. This remedy can be used for both adults and children, and it relieves the pain in only 2 days.
All you need to do is to put a few drops of the breast milk into the painful ear on every few hours. Yet, if you experience no improvement after several days, you should visit your doctor.
Salt is the most available home remedy, but it is really helpful in the case of an ear infection.
You should heat it up in a pan over low heat for several minutes, or in the microwave. Then, put the warm salt on a cloth, seal the open end, and place it on the painful ear.
Hold thus for 5-10 minutes. The heat will draw out the fluid and reduce the pain and swelling. You can repeat this several times a day. You can also use rice instead of salt, and get the same effects.
Basil treats infections and soothes pain, so it is also one of the best natural remedies in this case. You should get five fresh basil leaves, extract the juice of them, and pour it around the ear, but it should not go inside.
You can also mix some carrier oil, like coconut oil, with a few drops of holy basil oil in equal amounts, soak a cotton ball in the mixture, and wipe the inside of the ear, behind it, and around the outer edge. Do this twice a day to relieve the pain.
Mango Leaf Juice
This is another efficient and fast treatment. Get a few mango leaves, crush them or grind them in order to extract the juice, and warm it. Drop 3-4 drops of the juice into the ear, and it will provide relief in a few minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times daily until the pain is completely gone.
Olive Oil
Olive oil can quickly clear the Eustachian tubes, as they can easily get blocked with wax. You should warm it, and put a few drops into the painful ear. This will soften the wax, and it will be easy to remove. You can replace olive oil with mustard oil and use it in the same way.
This incredibly healthy vegetable is extremely helpful in various treatments, and an ear infection if just one of them. First of all, the consumption of 2-3 cloves a day will accelerate the healing of the ear infection.
Also, you can boil 2-3 fresh garlic cloves in some water for five minutes. Then, crush them, add salt, and place the mixture in a cloth. Hold the cloth on the painful ear until you feel the improvement.
Another way to use it is to cook 2 cloves in some mustard or sesame oil, strain the mixture, and add 2-4 drops into the ear.
Warm Water Bottle
This method will help you prevent the infestation of micro-organisms, and it will quickly soothe the pain. You can use a heating pad or a bottle with some warm water, and place it against the ear.
If you use a warm compress, just dip a clean washcloth in some lukewarm water, ring out the excess water, and apply it onto the ear. Hold for 5 minutes, remove it and repeat afterward.
Tea Tree Oil
The potent antibacterial properties of the tea tree oil will immediately reduce the pain due to an ear infection.
You should mix 3 drops of it with a teaspoon of colloidal silver, and a few tablespoons of olive oil, warm the mixture and drop a bit in the ear. Then, leave it to act for 5 minutes, and then lay on the other side in order to help the liquid to drain out. You should repeat this treatment 2-3 times daily, for 2 days, and the infection will be completely cured.
Onions are incredibly effective in the treatment of an ear infection. Bake an onion for 30 minutes, cut it in halves and place one half in a cotton cloth. Next, place the cloth on the painful ear and hold for 5 minutes. Then, remove it, wait for 10 more minutes, and repeat again.
Another way to use the properties of onions is to chop an onion, place it in the microwave, heat it for a couple of minutes, and leave it to cool. Then, strain out the juice and place 2-3 drops in the painful ear. Leave the onion juice to act for several minutes, and then, lay down on the other side to drain out it completely.