See Why Sex is Important as Your Blood Pressure

Americans spend over $46 billion dollars on blood pressure management every year, but just a fraction of that on their sexual health. Yet sexual health is deeply related to mental health, physical health and social wellness. Far from being taboo, your current level of sexual health should be discussed regularly with your primary care provider. Unfortunately, far too many providers are squeamish about this topic, or have a limited appreciation of its nuances and relevant effective treatments. If you feel like you aren’t having comprehensive conversations about your sex life (or sexual issues i.e. problems with sex drive and/or arousal) with your provider, try talking to the experts.

3 Ways Sexual Wellness Can Hugely Impact Your Health

Even those who feel relatively healthy overall may be surprised at the positive impact sex can have. It definitely counts as exercise, and as a result gives all the same benefits. Here are a few other unexpected benefits that you may not be as familiar with:

More Sex = Fewer Sick Days

Sexually active adults have been found to have increased levels of T-cells, part of the body’s natural immune defense system. As a result, these patients had fewer sick days overall. The mechanism for this may be complicated, but the overall benefits for mood and naturally-released pleasure hormones (Oxytocin) and “feel good” chemicals (endorphins) may be related.


Sex May Prevent Cancer

A recently 2015 upgraded study, originally published 10 years ago in one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals (JAMA), further confirmed that men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month were at a 20% decreased risk of developing prostate cancer than men who ejaculated 4-7 times a month! Many studies have likewise reported that ejaculation frequency may be tied to a lower risk for prostate cancer, with more orgasms being protective! The important ‘take-home’ message (no pun intended) is to focus on the dose-response relation versus dwelling on exact numbers of ejaculations, as advised by the lead author, Dr. Jennifer Rider, from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

Sex Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Though it may certainly get your heart pounding in the short term, the long-term impact of sex is a decrease in your blood pressure! Specifically, a “landmark study” has shown that regular sexual intercourse (but NOT masturbation!) was able to decrease systolic blood pressure, or the top number in the blood pressure readout. By working with a doctor trained in the assessment and optimization of your sex hormones, you can proactively improve your blood pressure while taking control of your sex life by treating and preventing issues of sexual dysfunction.

By talking openly about these sexual issues with a knowledgeable doctor in the field of sexual health medicine, you can improve your life and the life of your partner!